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(an exhibition created for the non-existent Museum of Brands of NYC)




















A few weeks ago, I was reading on my phone something about Parallel Universes. It basically stated that:

“Everything that could possibly have happened, but did not, it might have actually occurred in another universe"

Which got an advertising guy like me thinking, would the brands I love, would also exist in a parallel universe? and if so, would they be just as I know them? And, if I get to travel to that universe, would I still recognize them? And if I did, would they make the same products they make in the other one? I was in the bus from Washington DC to New York City, so I had plenty of hours to burn on idle; when suddenly a deeper thought came to me… So, if there are brands in another universe, most likely design firms exist there too, and if that is the case, would the brands that hired them to create their logo in this universe, be the same brands that hired them to create theirs in that other universe?. All of which is my long-winded way of getting to the point: this visual experiment is my answer to those questions. I’m not trying to disrespect these brands – I’ve worked with many of them in fact. These visualizations are just my curious thoughts let loose. And who knows? Maybe these brands do exist somewhere in a parallel universe not far, far away.























